Annual Offerings

Scripture and Tradition Studies
Each Semester St. Joseph Catholic Church offers a study on Scripture and Tradition

Advent and Lenten Devotionals
Every Advent and Lent St. Joseph provides devotional based materials to prepare for the coming feast
Welcome Weekend Christ Renews His Parishes (CRHP) is a two-day weekend spiritual experience designed to bring members of the Jasper and Ireland Parishes together in Christ. Separate ladies’ and men’s retreats are usually conducted during the February/March time of year at one of the four area Parishes. Participating in CRHP helps to personally renew ones relationship with Jesus Christ through the basic beliefs of our Catholic faith, and together builds stronger parishes of service and devotion. For more information, click here.
Available in Jasper, through the Evansville Diocese chapter, Cursillo is a three-day spiritual curriculum for personal conversion in a group setting, resulting in a commitment to Christ through continuing study, practices of piety, evangelization, and service to the Church and the people of God. “Ultreya” reunion meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Application forms are available at the Parish Center office. 812-482-1805 or click here.